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Order Now / اطلب الان8617-700 Developing leadership and management capability through Enquiry aims to help learners understand the principles and practices needed for effective coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level.
AC 1.1 Include a critical comparison of the strategic purpose of coaching to the strategic purpose of mentoring and the rationale for using coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level.
AC 1.2 Provide a critical review of the organisational context, strategy, culture and conditions required for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level.
AC 1.3 Critically evaluate at least three alternative learning and development (L&D) methods to coaching and mentoring (eg workshops, on-the-job, on-line learning, work shadowing, etc.) Reference key sources for each suggested alternative learning and development method.
AC 1.4 Determine at least four relevant factors which can impact on the effective integration of coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level. Factors may include organisational policies and procedures, change management strategies, selection of coaches, etc.
AC 2.1 Delivering coaching / mentoring
Critically analyse the knowledge and skills and behaviours and practices necessary for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level. At least one reference must be used for each of the four areas.
To pass, you must provide a thorough and accurate critical analysis for each knowledge area, skill, behaviour, and practise essential for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level. Your analysis should include an adequate number of relevant references, with at least one reference for each of the four areas, based on both theory and practice, and include contrasting perspectives.
AC 2.2 A model for effective coaching / mentoring
Critically review an effective coaching or mentoring model which can be followed at an executive or senior level. The review must include the effectiveness of the model from at least three different perspectives.
To pass, you need to provide a clear and accurate critical review of a model suitable for use at an executive or senior level, along with reflections on its effectiveness from at least three different perspectives.
AC 2.3 Reflective learning in a coach’s / mentor’s practice
Provide a justification for the importance of reflective learning for making improvements in own professional practice.
To pass, you need to give a clear, accurate, and adequate explanation of why reflective learning is important for your professional practice at an executive or senior level.
AC 2.4 Ethics and codes of practice for coaches / mentors
Evaluate the theoretical and practical elements of ethical practice, including a relevant model of ethical behaviour and an appropriate code of practice
To pass, you need to provide a clear and accurate evaluation of both the theoretical and practical aspects of ethical practice at an executive or senior level. This should include references to a relevant model of ethical behaviour and an appropriate code of practice.
AC 2.5 Coaching supervision within effective coaching / mentoring
Critically review two or more of the key elements of coaching and mentoring supervision and the rationale for its use at an executive or senior level, include a relevant supervision theory or model as part of the review.
To pass, you need to critically review at least two key elements of coaching or mentoring supervision at an executive or senior level. Your review should provide a clear and well-supported rationale for the importance of supervision, including reference to a relevant theory or model.
AC 3.1 Undertake a critical review of at least two different methods of evaluating the impact of coaching or mentoring on individuals. This must include an appropriate model such as Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model as well as self-assessment and feedback from individuals.
AC 3.2 Undertake a critical review of at least one method for evaluating the impact of coaching or mentoring on the organisation (eg employee performance against organisational goals, etc.) and at least one different method for evaluating the impact of coaching and mentoring on other stakeholders (eg KPI’s, people management, engagement, retention, talent management, etc.)
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